People don’t buy what you do…

People don’t buy what you do…they buy WHY you do it!

This was the key message from global brand master Peter Economides during a series of lectures around Melbourne this week.

Mr Economides was integral to the re-branding of Apple in the late nineties and the mastermind behind the  ‘think differently’ commercial. He shared with us that during his 4 hour encounter with the Apple founder, Mr Jobs clearly defined his why “let’s make a dent on the universe”.

Have you thought about that lately for your business? What’s your big why, your footprint on the sand, your megaphone for telling people what you believe?

A great resource he shared to get your juices flowing is a TED talk delivered by Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action.

“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have – the goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe”

Start with your why.

For me, my why is to share knowledge, share insights and resources so that anyone I come into contact with is inspired to take action and make a positive dent on their universe.

Some why action coming up this month:

1. Freebie online webinar to help you get a heads up and social in your biz: REGISTER HERE

2. The best September footy fever grand final #YESbreakfast in town with special guest Paul Salmon to talk to us about his why: REGISTER HERE

Signing off with a song just because…shake it off 🙂

Big love,

Desi x
